Mar 212009

Auto hunt script for Achaea using ZMud, explores where the Gnolls live and kills all, completes quests. Must be used in conjunction with health potions etc. A working Map is also required.

#CLASS {Aliases|aSystem|HuntPathA}
#ALIAS _HuntPath {
#VAR HuntPath "" _nodef HuntPathA
#ADDKEY HuntPath Steps 0
#IF  (%1=Gnoll) {#ADDKEY HuntPath Destinations  {1138|1148|1153|1179|1212|1206|1197|1222|1239|4874|8862|1274}} {#ADDKEY  HuntPath Destinations %1}
#ADDKEY HuntPath Leg 1
#ADDKEY  HuntPath Enabled 1
#IF (not @Personal.Hunting) {#BUTTON bHunt}
#EXEC _Debug "_HuntPath: Starting"
#T+ AlHuntPathBig
#ALIAS  _HuntPathStep {
#ADDKEY HuntPath Path %pathexpand( %walk( %item(  @HuntPath.Destinations, @HuntPath.Leg)))
#IF (%null(  @HuntPath.Path)) {
#ADDKEY HuntPath Leg %eval( @HuntPath.Leg +1)
#IF (@HuntPath.Leg > %numitems( @HuntPath.Destinations)) {#ADDKEY  HuntPath Leg 1}
#ADDKEY HuntPath Path %pathexpand( %walk( %item(  @HuntPath.Destinations, @HuntPath.Leg)))
#ADDKEY HuntPath  Path %replace( @HuntPath.Path, "h", "nw")
#ADDKEY HuntPath Path  %replace( @HuntPath.Path, "j", "ne")
#ADDKEY HuntPath Path  %replace( @HuntPath.Path, "k", "sw")
#ADDKEY HuntPath Path  %replace( @HuntPath.Path, "l", "se")
#EXEC _SendCommandOnPrompt  %item( @HuntPath.Path, 1)
;#IF (not @Personal.Hunting) {#EXEC  _SendCommandOnPrompt ih}
;#MOVE %item( @HuntPath.Path, 1)
#ALIAS  _HuntPathStop {
#ADDKEY HuntPath Enabled 0
#T- AlHuntPathBig
#T- AlHuntPathSmall
#ALIAS _HuntPathPause {
#T-  AlHuntPathBig
#T- AlHuntPathSmall
#ALIAS _HuntPathResume  {#T+ AlHuntPathBig}
#VAR AllExits {e|w|nw}
#VAR HuntPath  {HuntPathA} {HuntPathA}
#ALARM "AlHuntPathSmall" {*3} {
;#EXEC  _Debug "_HuntPath Still Wants To Walk"
#IF (@HuntPath.Enabled) {
#IF (@EQBal and %null( @RoomDenizenEnimies)) {
;    #EXEC _Debug  "_HuntPath Walking"
#ADDKEY HuntPath Steps %eval(  @HuntPath.Steps + 1)
#EXEC _HuntPathStep
#T-  AlHuntPathSmall
#T+ AlHuntPathBig
} {
#T- AlHuntPathSmall
#T- AlHuntPathBig
#EXEC _Debug  "_HuntPath Stopping"
} "" {disable}
#ALARM  "AlHuntPathBig" {*4} {
;#EXEC _Debug "_HuntPathBig Wants To Walk"
#IF (@HuntPath.Enabled) {
#IF (@EQBal and %null(  @RoomDenizenEnimies)) {
;    #EXEC _Debug "_HuntPath Walking"
#ADDKEY HuntPath Steps %eval( @HuntPath.Steps + 1)
#EXEC  _HuntPathStep
} {
#T- AlHuntPathBig
#T+  AlHuntPathSmall
} {
#T- AlHuntPathBig
#EXEC _Debug "_HuntPath Stopping"
} "" {disable}

  One Response to “Hunt Path”

  1. Interesting Idea

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