
Author of this blog. Most interested in computer automation, photography and garden stuff.

Aug 182022
uTorrent using two connections


On windows you can’t effectively use multiple gateways without using some complex solutions. I found a method of getting uTorrent to use both connection effectively without much messing around.


  1. Connect to both networks using a static IP. This can be done by configuring the routers to reserve an IP from the DHCP scope to your interface MAC address. You will need to know the router password on both networks for this. If you don’t know how to do this google Set Reservation on router DHCP. This is probably more work than just simply setting your interface adapter to use a static IP. If you don’t know how to do this under windows google Set Static IP on Windows. Note that both networks need to have a different router IP address. If they both use the default of then you will need to change the one you control to use a different subnet; like, with the router on If you don’t know how to do this google change router ip.

    Static IP

    Static IP of two interfaces

  2. Run two copies of uTorrent in Windows and in one instance change the net.bind_ip setting in Advanced Settings to one static IP, the other instance the other static IP. To do this copy uTorrent folder to another location, anywhere will do, “Downloads” is fine and run it as a different user. If you don’t know how to create a user in Windows google create user account in windows. You will also need to give the second account access to the copied torrent folder. If you don’t know how to do this google give file access to another user. You run a program under a different user account by holding shift right click on uTorrent.exe and select “Run as Different User” then enter the username and password you created. Probably best to create a new shortcut on your desktop for the second uTorrent called “uTorrent Another User” or something.

    uTorrent Bind IP

    uTorrent Bind IP

  3. Disable Randomize port on both uTorrents, they have to have different port numbers!

    Disable Randomize Port

    Disable Randomize Port

  4. Record the IP and port number from your main adapter in the form IP:Port. In my setup it is
  5. Start a torrent downloading. Chrome will probably put the magnet link into you first copy of uTorrent however sometime it choose the other, it doesn’t matter. Once the meta data has been download right click the Torrent and select “copy magnet url”.
  6. In your second copy of uTorrent click add Torrent from URL, its a button on the toolbar. Paste the magnet link and OK.
  7. Select the torrent, click peers tab and right click, Select Add Peer. Add PeerEnter the IP and Port of your first instance of uTorrent.Add Peer It will get the metadata instantly, if it hasn’t already. Repeat the add peer process now it has the metadata.
  8. Watch in awe as your two uTorrent shares the data they get avoiding duplicate downloading and utilising both connections to the max.

    uTorrent using two connections

    uTorrent using two connections (I have a tiny 6Mb connection. My neighbour has 20 Mb)

  9. When the torrent is done downloading you will have two copies of the torrent. Delete one.

And Beyond

You can repeat the process for as many networks you have access to, they just need to be on different subnets.

May 242022

Checking the slideshows for the first time in years found the the auto update broke 2 years ago. So fixed that. Fixed the updater and ran it and all free galleries from 2020 to 2022 are now included.

Slideshow 2

Met Art Slideshow 2


Met Art Catalogue

Slideshow 1

Metart Slideshow 1

May 032022
VR Porn


Downloading VR Porn sites rarely have  ID3 tags on the file. Without ID3 Tags and having obscure filenames Media Servers have no way to produce any form of categorisation for your videos.


There are programs that you can add ID3 Tags to your videos but they still need you to fill out the tags, and if you have thousands of porn videos this can be a tiresome process. So I wrote a web scraper, aided by google search so that you can find the video from the producer and it will scrape the page and record the various tags then give you a CSV file that you feed the tagging program.MP4 Tagger

How To

  1. Search for you video on this page. Use the google search icon.
  2. Click the correct video link in the search results.
  3. Confirm this is the correct video. Go back or if the results are in a new tab close it.
  4. Close the Google search box using the X.
  5. The URL of the video is then displayed in the URL field.
    Note: If the url is incorrect manually copy the correct url from the producer site and click the URL field it will auto paste if you allow it or manually paste it.
  6. Click Scrape.
  7. The tags fields URL, Producer, Title, Actors and Genres will be filled with data.
  8. Select multiple/click values on the left side and click the <-> button to choose that information. Click < > to choose all data.
  9. Select multiple values in Generes and click the <-> button to add to ignore. Things like 180 and 3D you don’t want on all you videos. The ignore list is stored if you have cookies enabled and so that’ll be remembered.
  10. If you want more tags repeat the search to find the video on streaming sites. Highlight the title text select (for example). Click search highlighted and the google search will be filled in for you. Streaming sites are listed in bold in the “Site” dropdown.
  11. Repeat addition of Tags, duplicates are ignored as are genres added that are listed in you ignore genres list.
  12. Drag drop your video to the “File” text box. This will fill the field with the filename.
  13. Once you are happy with you tags click the CSV button. You’ll be given a CSV file.
  14. Run Mp3 Tag, drag drop / add your video.
  15. Click “Text File – Tag”
  16. Select the CSV for the file.
  17. Enter the following for the Format string (only needs to be done once)
  18. Click ok.
  19. If you want a cover photo you need to save one from the tagging page use the basic editor and download it. Then drag drop it onto the cover widow in Mp3Tag.
  20. Click Save. This will take some time as the whole file, no doubt many gigs needs to rewritten.


  • Only sites listed under “Site” dropdown are supported. I can add more leave a comment.
  • CzechVR and others use cloudflare and so can not be scraped.
  • This project is in development. I have link a db with over 2 thousand videos I have already tagged. If this page get any interest; I will add a search of them to fill the fields from pages I have already processed. Leave a comment.


If you have a PC with 16 Gig RAM then this process can be sped up hugely and save wear on your hard disk by using a RAM disk. I Suggest ImDisk. Make a RAM disk of 13 Gig with memory allocated dynamically, close all unneeded programs. Move your video to the RAM disk, add it to MP4 Tag from there and when you save your changes these will all be done in RAM and take seconds not minutes. You will need double size of your video in space on the ram disk.

If you have a SSD drive then processing the file on it is the next best.

MP3 Tag Setup

If you don’t have MP3 Tag it can be downloaded from here.

The fields needed for this process are:

  • Title
  • Producer
  • Artist
  • Genre
  • Series

Add those that you don’t have already by right clicking the column header and “Customize columns…”. The format is Name: “Title”, Value: “%TITLE%”, Field: “%TITLE%”. Genres has a different value field: “$meta_sep(genre,\,)”

Arrange the header to include Cover if it isn’t there so you can change the thumbnail.

Other field you may want to add are:

  • Rating: “%RATING MM%”
  • bps/pixel
  • Format: “%organization%”,”%organization%”. To record SBS or TB format for the VR.
  • File Dimensions & bitrate.
    $div(%_video_width%,2)p %_video_bitrate%k


Currently only the following sites are supported:

  • Merged with sexlikereal.
  • Merged with sexlikereal.
  • started using cloudflare
  • (Manual search of xsinsvr required as the site has blocked google indexing)

Sites listed that don’t work are: (Due to using cloudflare)


Last Update: 09/11/2022
Fixed TMW not scraping genres
Added a GSE link to find VR sources

Known Issues:

Update History:
Added vrcosplayx
Fixed image download with query in url
Fixed VR Bangers, Added VR Conk

 Posted by at 8:45 am
Sep 072020

There is a fucking annoying pop up window within the gaming software every-time you focus an application that you have a profile for. It appears and then goes and there is no setting to stop it appearing. Its nice for Logitech to tell you you have changed application but, well, you already know, you did it.

So after getting fobbed off by Logitech tech support that it is in hand. Which a google search will find a Reddit post from over a year ago about someone complaining of the same issue; with the same response. I wrote a basic window closer on 200 ms repeat. Please find linked the binary and source code. Released freeware.

The program does nothing but close this annoying popup. You’re welcome.

 Posted by at 3:06 am
Jun 062020

I was looking for a solution to play video on my vr headset ($3) Samsung 8 in some viewer, aka the cardboard vr. First I thought that I would just view them over the network, but my rooted chosen ROM (Linage 17) doesn’t support smb from boot, so no fstab mapping can be done leaving me with a hacky file browse and view by another app solution.

Then by chance playing with my TV and trying to watch films on the computer I finally found a use for a UPNP/DLNA Server. I also found that in my VR apps, any form of networking found was for a uPNP/DLNA server, not smb logging on etc, sweet! Looking at the Windows uPNP offering I found none, for free or paid for, they could not make a custom menu from meta data tags.

So Linux… Gerbera free and claimed to be able to do this so I had a go. A bit of hack trial and error later I got it going how I wanted with a sort of 2 level keyword search and reading all the tags I need to sort the collection. I meta tagged all my MP4 video with Mp3Tag v3.01, which is excellent util for the meta tagging via many different ways and easily expandable due to a simple text based plugin type feature.

Gerbera Custom Menu

Gerbera Custom Menu

I leave it here so maybe it’ll help someone else. Continue reading »
