Mar 212009

Achaea MUD ZMud scripts for various interface buttons, status window and other things.

#CLASS {Interface}
#TRIGGER {^(%w)( has been slain by the  might of *)} {
#WIN Deaths {%1%2}
#FORALL @Citizens {
#IF (%1=%i) {
#COLOR Bright,Red
#EXEC _Debug {%1 is  Citymate}
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~(Class~):  (*)} {#WIN Class %1}
#TRIGGER {^~(Cyrene~): (*)} {#WIN Cyrene %1}
#TRIGGER  {^~(Elementals~): (*)} {#WIN House {HNT %1}}
#TRIGGER {^~(Market~):  (*)} {#WIN Market %1}
#TRIGGER {^~(Party~): (*)} {#WIN Party %1}
#TRIGGER  {^~(The Arcane Kindred~): (*)} {#WIN House %1}
#TRIGGER  {^(%w)(*tells you*)} {#WIN Tell "%1 %2"}
#TRIGGER {^(You tell *)}  {#WIN Tell %1}
#BUTTON 14 {RS} {#ADDKEY Personal ReflectOnShield 1}  {RS} {#ADDKEY Personal ReflectOnShield 0} {} {1} {} {Size} {20} {20}  {Pos} {50} {175} {} {96} {} {} "" {} {Reflect When Shield Seen}  {bAutoMeditate} {4}
#BUTTON 15 {AR} {
#VAR AutoRat "" _nodef  AutoRatA
#ADDKEY AutoRat Enabled 1
#ADDKEY AutoRat Stage 1
#EXEC _AutoRat
} {AR} {
#ADDKEY AutoRat Enabled 0
#ADDKEY AutoRat Stage 0
} {} {1} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {50}  {350} {} {64} {} {} "" {} {Auto Rat} {bAutoRat} {4}
#BUTTON 17 {H} {
#T- IntHeartbeat
#T- CommandQueA
} {H} {
#T+  IntHeartbeat
#T+ CommandQueA
#VAR QueBusy 0 0 aSystem
#EXEC _QueTimer
} {} {1} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {50} {300} {}  {64} {} {} "" {} {Heart Beat} {bHeartBeat} {4}
#BUTTON 19 {HS}  {#ADDKEY Personal AutoHuntStop 1} {HS} {#ADDKEY Personal AutoHuntStop 0}  {} {1} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {50} {200} {} {96} {} {} "" {} {Auto  Hunt Stop} {bAutoHuntStop} {4}
#BUTTON 21 {IL} {
put gold in pack
#T+ TheftLockdown
#ADDKEY Personal  ItemLockdown 1
} {IL} {
#T- TheftLockdown
#ADDKEY Personal ItemLockdown 0
} {} {1} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos}  {50} {325} {} {64} {} {} "" {} {Item Lock Down} {bItemLockDown} {4}
#BUTTON  22 {Inv} {
_SendCommandOnPrompt {ii}
_SendCommandOnPrompt {p  pack}
} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {150} {} {} {} {}  "" {} {Check Inventory} {bInventory} {4}
#BUTTON 23 {Lo} {
#ADDKEY Mud Logging 1
#LOG %time( "hh-nn-ss")MyLog.txt
} {Lo} {
#ADDKEY Mud Logging 0
} {} {1} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos}  {50} {250} {} {80} {} {} "" {} {Log} {bLog} {4}
#BUTTON 24 {M} {
#NOOP %maplocked( 0)
#ADDKEY Personal Mapping 1
}  {M} {
#NOOP %maplocked( 1)
#ADDKEY Personal  Mapping 0
} {} {1} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {50} {275} {} {96} {}  {} "" {} {Mapping} {bMapping} {4}
#BUTTON 25 {Mana} {} {} {}  {@Personal.Mana} {} {} {} {} {} {Pos} {17} {225} {32} {}  {Gauge||12|@Personal.ManaMax|@Personal.ManaMax/5|7} {} ""  {Explore|Inset} {} {gMana} {4}
#BUTTON 26 {NH} {
#ADDKEY  Personal ThisHuntGold 0
#ADDKEY Personal ThisHuntKills 0
}  {RG} {#T+ _TakeRoomGold} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {25} {200} {}  {96} {} {} "" {} {New Hunt} {bNewHunt} {4}
#BUTTON 27 {PH} {#ADDKEY  Personal PartyHunt 1} {PH} {#ADDKEY Personal PartyHunt 0} {} {1} {}  {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {25} {175} {} {96} {} {} "" {} {Party Hunt}  {bPartyHunt} {4}
#BUTTON 28 {R} {_SendCommandOnPrompt {info rift}} {}  {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {175} {} {} {} {} "" {} {Check  Rift} {bRift} {4}
#BUTTON 29 {HR} {#ADDKEY Personal HuntOnRefLoss 1}  {HR} {#ADDKEY Personal HuntOnRefLoss 0} {} {1} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos}  {50} {150} {} {64} {} {} "" {} {Hunt On Reflection Loss} {bHORL} {4}
#BUTTON  30 {RG} {#ADDKEY Personal LeaveDeadDrops 1} {RG} {#ADDKEY Personal  LeaveDeadDrops 0} {} {1} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {25} {150} {} {96} {}  {} "" {} {Leave Room Gold} {bLeaveRoomGold} {4}
#BUTTON 31 {S}  {_AddCommand {_DefUp}} {Reflection} {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos}  {50} {225} {} {} {} {} "" {} {Def Up} {bDefUp} {4}
#BUTTON 32 {Sc} {
_SendCommandOnPrompt score
_SendCommandOnPrompt stat
_SendCommandOnPrompt cwho
_SendCommandOnPrompt hwho
_SendCommandOnPrompt nstat
#IF (not %null(  @SkillsElementalism.Channel)) {_SendCommandOnPrompt channels}
} {}  {} {} {} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {1} {200} {} {} {} {} "" {} {Score /  Stat} {bScore} {4}
#STAT {Lvl : @Personal.Level <-> Progress :  @Personal.LevelProgress}
#STW  {Vitals%{cr}*----*%{cr}H:@Personal.Health/@Personal.HealthMax%{cr}M:@Personal.Mana/@Personal.ManaMax%{cr}W:@Personal.Willpower%{cr}E:@Personal.Endurance%{cr}  %{cr}Vials%{cr}*---*%{cr}H : @VialStats.TotalHealth%{cr}M :  @VialStats.TotalMana%{cr}F : @VialStats.TotalMending%{cr}E :  @VialStats.TotalEpidermal%{cr} %{cr}Personal%{cr}*------*%{cr}Food :  %if( @Personal.FoodLevel>1, @Personal.FoodLevel, %ansi( high,  red)@Personal.FoodLevel%ansi( green))%{cr}Wake : %if(  @Personal.SleepLevel>1, @Personal.SleepLevel, %ansi( high,  red)@Personal.SleepLevel%ansi(  green))%{cr}GHand:@Personal.GoldInHand%{cr}GPack:@Personal.GoldInPack  %{cr}GBank:@Personal.GoldInBank%{cr}Cred $ : @Mud.CreditPrice%{cr}B  Creds : @Personal.BoundCredits%{cr}Lessons: @Personal.Lessons%{cr}Date:  @Mud.Date%{cr} %{cr}Room%{cr}*--*%{cr}Room  Objects%{cr}@RoomObjectsPrint%{cr} %{cr}Denz  Target%{cr}@Combat.LastTarget%{cr} %{cr}Room Den  En%{cr}@RoomDenizenEnimiesPrint%{cr} %{cr}FIN%{cr}%ansi( high,  green)%replace( @./Triggers/FriendsInRoom, "|", ",") %ansi( green)%{cr}  %{cr}Other%{cr}GTS : @Personal.ThisHuntGold}
#CLASS  {Interface|Compass}
#ALIAS _EnableExisit {
#call  %btnenable(btnnw,True)
#call %btnenable(btnn,True)
#call  %btnenable(btnne,True)
#call %btnenable(btnw,True)
#call  %btnenable(btne,True)
#call %btnenable(btnsw,True)
#call  %btnenable(btns,True)
#call %btnenable(btnse,True)
#call  %btnenable(btnd,True)
#call %btnenable(btnu,True)
#call  %btnenable(btnout,True)
#ALIAS _ShowExits {
#call  %btnenable(btnnw,%ismember(nw,%1))
#call  %btnenable(btnn,%ismember(n,%1))
#call  %btnenable(btnne,%ismember(ne,%1))
#call  %btnenable(btnw,%ismember(w,%1))
#call  %btnenable(btne,%ismember(e,%1))
#call  %btnenable(btnsw,%ismember(sw,%1))
#call  %btnenable(btns,%ismember(s,%1))
#call  %btnenable(btnse,%ismember(se,%1))
#call  %btnenable(btnd,%ismember(d,%1))
#call  %btnenable(btnu,%ismember(u,%1))
#call  %btnenable(btnout,%ismember(out,%1))
#BUTTON 1 {} {
#EXEC  _SendCommandOnPrompt map
#IF (@Personal.Hunting) {#EXEC  _SendCommandOnPrompt ih}
} {} {} {} {} {TARGET} {Size} {23} {23}  {Pos} {25} {25} {} {} {} {} "" {} {look} {btnlook} {4}
#BUTTON 2 {}  {d} {} {} {} {} {DIRS} {Size} {23} {23} {Pos} {50} {101} {} {} {} {} ""  {} {down} {btnd} {4}
#BUTTON 3 {} {e} {} {} {} {} {ARROWR} {Size}  {23} {23} {Pos} {25} {50} {} {} {} {} "" {} {east} {btne} {4}
#BUTTON  4 {in} {in} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {24} {23} {Pos} {25} {87} {} {} {} {}  "" {} {in} {ntin} {4}
#BUTTON 5 {} {n} {n} {} {} {} {ARROWU} {Size}  {23} {23} {Pos} {1} {25} {} {} {} {} "" {} {north} {btnn} {4}
#BUTTON  6 {ne} {ne} {} {} {} {} {ARROWNE} {Size} {23} {23} {Pos} {1} {50} {} {}  {} {} "" {} {ne} {btnne} {4}
#BUTTON 7 {} {nw} {} {} {} {} {ARROWNW}  {Size} {23} {23} {Pos} {1} {1} {} {} {} {} "" {} {nw} {btnnw} {4}
#BUTTON  8 {out} {out} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {23} {23} {Pos} {25} {114} {} {} {}  {} "" {} {out} {btnout} {4}
#BUTTON 9 {} {s} {} {} {} {} {ARROWD}  {Size} {23} {23} {Pos} {50} {25} {} {} {} {} "" {} {south} {btns} {4}
#BUTTON  10 {} {se} {} {} {} {} {ARROWSE} {Size} {23} {23} {Pos} {50} {50} {} {}  {} {} "" {} {se} {btnse} {4}
#BUTTON 11 {} {sw} {} {} {} {}  {ARROWSW} {Size} {23} {23} {Pos} {50} {1} {} {} {} {} "" {} {sw} {btnsw}  {4}
#BUTTON 12 {} {u} {} {} {} {} {DIRN} {Size} {23} {23} {Pos} {1}  {101} {} {} {} {} "" {} {up} {btnu} {4}
#BUTTON 13 {} {w} {} {} {} {}  {ARROWL} {Size} {23} {23} {Pos} {25} {1} {} {} {} {} "" {} {west}  {btnw} {4}
#CLASS {Interface|Indicators}
#BUTTON 16  {Bleeding} {} {} {} {@Personal.Bleeding} {} {} {} {} {} {Pos} {32} {225}  {32832} {} {Gauge||2|75|25|7} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {} {gBleeding} {4}
#BUTTON  18 {Health} {} {} {} {@Personal.Health} {} {} {} {} {} {Pos} {3} {225}  {32} {} {Gauge||12|@Personal.HealthMax|@Personal.HealthMax/5|7} {} ""  {Explore|Inset} {} {gHealth} {4}
#BUTTON 33 {Ba} {} {Ba} {} {not  @Personal.Balance} {1} {} {Size} {21} {22} {Pos} {2} {126} {32} {64} {}  {} "" {Explore|Inset} {Balance} {gBal} {4}
#BUTTON 34 {El} {} {El} {}  {not @Personal.Elixir} {1} {} {Size} {19} {26} {Pos} {3} {348} {32}  {64} {} {} "" {Inset} {Can Drink Elixir} {gDrink} {4}
#BUTTON 35 {Eq}  {} {Eq} {} {not @Personal.EQ} {1} {} {Size} {21} {22} {Pos} {2} {77}  {32} {64} {} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {Eq} {gEQ} {4}
#BUTTON 36 {s} {
#IF (@Defenses.Selfishness) {_AddCommand {_ActionAdd "Selfishness"  "0"}}
#IF (@Mud.PromptWaiting) {_AddCommand {_ProcessActions}}
} {g} {
#IF (not @Defenses.Selfishness) {_AddCommand {_ActionAdd  "Selfishness" "1"}}
#IF (@Mud.PromptWaiting) {_AddCommand  {_ProcessActions}}
} {not @Defenses.Selfishness} {1} {} {Size} {19}  {14} {Pos} {31} {348} {32} {64} {} {} "" {Inset} {Selfishness}  {gSlefish} {4}
#BUTTON 37 {Sa} {} {Sa} {} {not @Personal.Salve} {1}  {} {Size} {18} {26} {Pos} {3} {368} {32} {64} {} {} "" {Inset} {Can  Apply Salve} {gSalve} {4}
#BUTTON 38 {Dummy} {} {Dummy} {}  {@Heartbeats} {1} {} {Size} {1} {1} {Pos} {1} {1} {32} {64} {} {} ""  {Inset} {Can Apply Salve} {gDummy} {4}
#BUTTON 44 {Ea} {} {Ea} {}  {not @Personal.Eat} {1} {} {Size} {18} {26} {Pos} {3} {388} {32} {64} {}  {} "" {Inset} {Can Eat} {gEat} {4}
#CLASS  {Interface|MainBar}
#BUTTON 20 {Hunt} {
#ADDKEY Personal Hunting  1
_SendCommandOnPrompt ih
} {Hunt} {
#ADDKEY Personal  Hunting 0
RoomObjects = ""
} {} {1} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {32}  {64} {} {} "" {} {Hunting} {bHunt}
#BUTTON 39 {D Hth} {
_AddCommand {_ActionAdd "UseVial" "Health" "6" "Repeat" "and  (@Personal.Health < @Personal.HealthMax - 600)" "Elixir"}
#ADDKEY Personal SipHealth 1
#ADDKEY Personal Elixir 1
#IF  (@Mud.PromptWaiting) {_AddCommand {_ProcessActions}}
} {D Hth} {
#ADDKEY Personal SipHealth 0
_AddCommand {_ActionComplete  "_UseVial" "Health" "Elixir"}
} {} {1} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {96}  {} {} "" {} {Sip Health} {bSipHealth}
#BUTTON 40 {D Man} {
_AddCommand {_ActionAdd "UseVial" "Mana" "5" "Repeat" "and  (@Personal.Mana < @Personal.ManaMax - 600)" "Elixir"}
#ADDKEY  Personal SipMana 1
#ADDKEY Personal Elixir 1
#IF  (@Mud.PromptWaiting) {_AddCommand {_ProcessActions}}
} {D Man} {
#ADDKEY Personal SipMana 0
_AddCommand {_ActionComplete "_UseVial"  "Mana" "Elixir"}
} {} {1} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {96} {} {} "" {}  {sMana} {bSipMana}
#BUTTON 41 {Storm Ham} {
_AddCommand  {_StormhammerHunting}
#IF (@Mud.PromptWaiting) {_AddCommand  {_ProcessActions}}
} {A Epi} {#ADDKEY Personal ApplyEpidermal 0} {}  {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {96} {} {} "" {} {Apply Epidermal}  {bApplyEpidermal}
#BUTTON 42 {Focus} {_AddCommand {_FocusA}} {A Men}  {#ADDKEY Personal ApplyMending 0} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {96} {}  {} "" {} {Apply Mending} {bApplyMending}
#BUTTON 43 {Panic} {
#IF (@Personal.Hunting) {#BUTTON bHunt}
_AddCommand {_ActionAdd  Move}
#IF (@Mud.PromptWaiting) {_AddCommand {_ProcessActions}}
} {S Shop} {#ADDKEY Personal Shopping 0} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}  {96} {} {} "" {} {Panic} {bPanic}
#BUTTON 45 {Shield} {
#IF  (@Personal.Hunting) {#BUTTON bHunt}
_AddCommand {_ActionAdd "Touch"  "shield"}
#IF (@Mud.PromptWaiting) {_AddCommand {_ProcessActions}}
} {S Shop} {#ADDKEY Personal Shopping 0} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}  {96} {} {} "" {} {Panic} {bPanic}
#BUTTON 46 {Walk} {
#ADDKEY  Personal RandomWalk 1
#EXEC _RandomWalk Slow
} {S Walk}  {#ADDKEY Personal RandomWalk 0} {} {1} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {96} {}  {} "" {} {Random Walk} {bRandomWalk}
#CLASS  {Interface|PrintFriendly}
#ALIAS _FormatRoomObjects {
#IF (not  %null( @RoomObjects)) {
#VAR RoomObjectsTemp "" _nodef  PrintFriendly
#LOOPDB @RoomObjects {#ADDITEM RoomObjectsTemp  %proper( %key)}
#VAR RoomObjectsPrint %expanddb( %countlist(  %subchar( @RoomObjectsTemp, "1234567890", "")), %cr, ": ") _nodef  PrintFriendly
} {RoomObjectsPrint = "Empty"}
#IF (not %null(  @RoomDenizenEnimies)) {
#VAR RoomObjectsTemp "" _nodef  PrintFriendly
#LOOPDB @RoomDenizenEnimies {#ADDITEM  RoomObjectsTemp %proper( %key)}
RoomDenizenEnimiesPrint = %ansi(  high, bold, red)%expanddb( %countlist( %subchar( @RoomObjectsTemp,  "1234567890", "")), %cr, ": ")%ansi( green)
}  {RoomDenizenEnimiesPrint = Empty}
#VAR RoomObjectsTemp  {Crab195849}
#VAR RoomObjectsPrint {Crab: 1}
#VAR  RoomDenizenEnimiesPrint {Empty}
#CLASS  {Interface|SubMenus}
#MENU {Elementalism} {} "" {smElementalism}
#MENU  {Crystalism} {} "" {smCrystalism}
#MENU {Chat} {} "" {smChat}
#MENU  {Questing} {} "" {smQuesting}
#MENU {Debug} {} "" {smDebug}
#CLASS {Interface|SubMenus|smElementalism} {menu}
#MENU  {Reflection} {
_AddCommand {_ActionAdd "Reflection" "me"}
#IF  (@Mud.PromptWaiting) {_AddCommand {_ProcessActions}}
} ""
#MENU  {Call Elementals} {
_AddCommand {_ActionAdd "CallElementals"}
#IF (@Mud.PromptWaiting) {_AddCommand {_ProcessActions}}
} ""
#MENU  {Waterweird} {
_AddCommand {_ActionAdd "Waterweird" "me"}
#IF  (@Mud.PromptWaiting) {_AddCommand {_ProcessActions}}
} ""
#CLASS {Interface|SubMenus|smCrystalism} {menu}
#MENU {Sonic  Portal} {
#IF (not %null( %selword)) {
_AddCommand  {_SonicPortalA ~"%selword~"}
#IF (@Mud.PromptWaiting)  {_AddCommand {_ProcessActions}}
} {
" "
#ECHO  {Sonic Portal No Word Selected}
} ""
#MENU {Harmony} {
_AddCommand {_HarmonyA}
#IF (@Mud.PromptWaiting) {_AddCommand  {_ProcessActions}}
} ""
#MENU {CrystalHome} {
#EXEC _SendCommandOnPrompt "ent"
#EXEC _SendCommandOnPrompt  "take eye from pack"
#EXEC _SendCommandOnPrompt "wield eye"
#EXEC _SendCommandOnPrompt "throw eye on ground"
_AddCommand  {_ActionAdd "Crystalhome"}
#IF (@Mud.PromptWaiting) {#EXEC  _ProcessActions}
} ""
#MENU {Focus} {
_AddCommand  {_FocusA}
#IF (@Mud.PromptWaiting) {_AddCommand {_ProcessActions}}
} ""
#MENU {World Vibes} {
_AddCommand {_ActionAdd  "WorldVibes"}
#IF (@Mud.PromptWaiting) {_AddCommand  {_ProcessActions}}
} ""
#CLASS  {Interface|SubMenus|smQuesting} {menu}
#MENU {Greet Denzien} {
#EXEC _SendCommandOnPrompt "bow %selword"
#EXEC  _SendCommandOnPrompt "greet %selword"
#EXEC _SendCommandOnPrompt  "greet %selword"
#EXEC _SendCommandOnPrompt "greet %selword"
#EXEC _SendCommandOnPrompt "greet %selword"
#EXEC  _SendCommandOnPrompt "ask %selword wares"
} ""
#MENU {Probe}  {#EXEC _SendCommandOnPrompt "p %selword"} ""
#CLASS  {Interface|SubMenus|smChat} {menu}
#MENU {House Hello}  {_SendCommandOnPrompt "hnt Greetings %selword"} ""
#MENU {House  Farewell} {_SendCommandOnPrompt "hnt Farewell %selword"} ""
#CLASS  {Interface|SubMenus|smDebug} {menu}
#MENU {Unlock Map} {#NOOP  %maplocked( 0)} ""
#MENU {Clear Debug} {:MyDebug:#CLR} ""

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