Feb 272009

This code is the guts of another firefox plugin I wrote to Auto add face book users who had the blood wars application installed.

The blood wars application exposes the FB user ID in a very simple way to collect. This application goes through the war.php pages and collects the user ID exposed there. it collects 10 and then goes to http://www.facebook.com/addfriend.php?id=+UID and pastes a generic relevant please add me to your friend list message.

It does this on loop until a message is displayed telling you you may hit a limit.

One could harvest thousands of these ID and then use multiple accounts to make “friends” with all these people and then use another bot to data mine all their private information. People simply don’t use the privacy options, or can’t find them all because they are so spread out.

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Feb 272009

Ok so if you have hundreds of people asking to be “friends” with you then you’ll need some program to click ok for you else you’re life will drain away.

This code, partially borrowed from elsewhere as you can see from the comments will auto add everyone who has requested you as friend on facebook. It will add them into a group numbered as the index of the dropdown.

This is the complete code for the core of a plugin for firefox. If anyone actually wants it to install let me know here and I’ll make some install instructions and a better package.

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