Nov 292011

After trying numerous different download programs, browser extensions, greasemonkey scripts with varying success to download primarily flv films from various NSFW sites I finally found that Chrome will give you the direct URL for the movie.

Here is how

  1. Find your tube.
  2. View the tube
  3. Right click somewhere and select “inspect element”
  4. Click “Network”
  5. Refresh the tube page.
  6. Play the video.
  7. Located the flv in the list it will be the one with an expanding bar indicating downloading on the right
  8. Right click and “copy link address”.
  9. Now you have the address put it into something like free download manager to rip it from the site in no time. Or just put it into the address bar to have your browser download it.

This process works on everything I have tested it on so far. youtube, DrTuber, XHamster, Redtube, YourPorno and well it seems to work for them all…

Feb 142011

I wrote this because I needed to know what user was logged onto what PC when remotely connecting to a supported server.

Example Output

Find Users v0.1 (c) 2011 Chris

Computer               Username               Desciption
TREEBEARD          *                         Window 7 64 Ultimate
STORMCROW        Chris.KINGS          Kings Server
BOMBADIL            Maxy                     Maxy's Laptop

Press any key to exit


To find the users who are logged onto network connected Windows Workstations from a server logged on a domain admin account.

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Jan 172011

I wrote this utility as in the small business where I work we had no blanket tool for proactive monitoring of services that are supported by our company.

Server Up Image 1

Main Page

Server Up Image 2

Popup example


A simple utility that scans ports and provides a balloon tooltip notifying the user of ports that are unavailable


Runs upto 64 concurrent threads checking if ports are open.
Displays in a listview that can be sorted by column.
Name and group a service.
Enable and disable particular  services from scan.
Auto scan every 15 minutes.
Source code included.
Imports from Remote Desktop Manager rdm files
Minimises to system tray
Records last seen open and last seen closed times.

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Jan 082011

A small utility that I wrote to help people on the helpdesk communicate information to prevent the duplication of jobs and to provide call handlers the information required to resolve the call before it become a job. Source code included. VB.NET 3

Example Notify Balloon

Example Notify Balloon

Main Form

Main Form


To provide the ability to anyone in a group of people to communicate a piece of information that will be distributed to other users of the utility in the form of a toolbar popup. The need I had for this was that working on a helpdesk as I do, I may know of a problem that if the call handlers knew about then they could tell people phoning up that the problem they are facing will be resolved in time rather than creating duplicate jobs.

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Jan 082011

I wrote this utility to help the call handler at work provide the helpdesk staff with more information.

Question Cats

Question Cats

Main Screen

Main Screen


A small VB NET 3 utility the will display a list of questions for a given topic that can be answered in a series of text fields. Once completed these answers are copied with the questions into the copy buffer to be pasted onto a call sheet in a helpdesk application. This utility saves the creation of paper based question sheets, provides a standard format and can be updated without any changes to the program. It is driven by the text file that is included in the zip. Source code is included.

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May 052010

Sysinternals Suite for windows is a must have for anyone how knows more than nothing about the windows OS.

Process Explorer is the most useful tool. It can replace the task manager and shows you far more details about what is running on your windows box.

Process Explorer

Best of the rest

Auto runs shows you all the locations that can be set for the automatic running of programs.

Shell run as enabled you to run programs under different credentials.

VM Map shows you where your memory is going.

May 052010

Finding that an Atari ST emulator exists and runs all the old software without fault has given me a great deal of enjoyment. If you ever had an Atari then get Steem, all of the automation and medway boys disks are available to download.

I have been able to complete a good few games that I never managed to as a kid. Defender Of the Crown for example. You couldn’t save your game. With the emulator you can save the memory at any time and reload. Steem also runs on any crappy laptop.

Mar 102010

Extreme Tube

Below is the code for my grease monkey script for generating links to porn videos on ExtremeTube. With this you can download the FLV videos which the website does not generically allow you to do.

You will need to install Grease Monkey to use this, which is a plugin for Firefox. I have not tested this script in any other browser.

Grease Monkey :
Script at Grease monkey depositary :
Code at Grease monkey depositary :

Mar 252009

At Eon is a package used to automatically twofish encrypt and unrar “downloads” arriving via a satellite feed. I developed for members of the European Online network provider.

Source Code

Within this source there is ODBC Access database works, multi threading, calls to Delphi written dlls, an 3rd Party UnRar dlls, multi language integration and other things.

the old forum for the development can be found here :
