Aug 061999
Well I can’t even remember slapping this together but anyway.
You need Java to view this applet.
Seems to be a bat and ball program that will play itself if you don’t play and if you hover your mouse you can play. There are no points or serves, looks like some test I was doing for something.
import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class AtBat extends Applet implements Runnable, MouseMotionListener, MouseListener { private Image i_offscreen; private Graphics g_offscreen; private int yHeight, xWidth, ballDiam, batWidth, gameDiff; private Rectangle rec, r_ball, r_bat[]; private boolean mouseActive=false; private Thread ballMotion, batMotion; public AtBat (){ batWidth = 20; ballDiam = 3; gameDiff = 1; } public void init(){ rec = this.getBounds(); xWidth = rec.width; yHeight = rec.height; r_ball = new Rectangle (rec.width/2,rec.height/2,ballDiam,ballDiam); rec.height=rec.height-r_ball.width; rec.width=rec.width-r_ball.width; rec.x=r_ball.width; rec.y=r_ball.width; setSize(200,200); setBackground(; this.addMouseMotionListener(this); this.addMouseListener(this); i_offscreen = createImage(xWidth,yHeight); g_offscreen = i_offscreen.getGraphics(); ballMotion = new Thread(this, "AtBall"); ballMotion.start(); r_bat = new Rectangle[2]; r_bat[0] = new Rectangle(r_ball.x-batWidth/2,yHeight-15,batWidth,2); r_bat[1] = new Rectangle(r_ball.x-batWidth/2,15,batWidth,2); batMotion = new Thread(this, "AtBat"); batMotion.start(); } public void paint(Graphics g) { //Clear Screen g_offscreen.setColor(; g_offscreen.fillRect(0,0,xWidth,yHeight); //Draw Ball g_offscreen.setColor(Color.white); synchronized (r_ball) { g_offscreen.fillRect(r_ball.x,r_ball.y,ballDiam,ballDiam); } //Draw Bat (computer) for (int a=0;a<r_bat.length;a++) g_offscreen.fillRect(r_bat[a].x,r_bat[a].y,r_bat[a].width,r_bat[a].height); //Draw Image g.drawImage(i_offscreen,0,0,this); // System.out.println(p_ball); } public void update(Graphics g){ paint(g); } public void run (){ if (Thread.currentThread()==ballMotion) ballMotion(); if (Thread.currentThread()==batMotion) batMotion(); } private void ballMotion(){ //Ball Speed x & y double d_x_vec = 0.7; double d_y_vec = 1.0; //Ball location double d_x_pos = (double)xWidth/2; double d_y_pos = (double)yHeight/2; //Recs for fine ball crash detection on bat Rectangle batSplit[] = new Rectangle[5]; do { synchronized (r_ball){ d_x_pos = d_x_pos + d_x_vec; d_y_pos = d_y_pos + d_y_vec; r_ball.x=(int)d_x_pos; r_ball.y=(int)d_y_pos; } if (!rec.intersects(r_ball)){ if ((r_ball.y<1)||(r_ball.y>yHeight-ballDiam)) d_y_vec=d_y_vec*(-1); if ((r_ball.x<1)||(r_ball.x>xWidth-ballDiam)) d_x_vec=d_x_vec*(-1); } for (int a=0;a<r_bat.length;a++) if (r_bat[a].intersects(r_ball)){ //Find where the ball hit on the bat batSplit[0]=new Rectangle(r_bat[a].x,r_bat[a].y,2,r_bat[a].height); batSplit[1]=new Rectangle(batSplit[0].x+batSplit[0].width,r_bat[a].y,(r_bat[a].width-4)/3,r_bat[a].height); batSplit[2]=new Rectangle(batSplit[1].x+batSplit[1].width,r_bat[a].y,(r_bat[a].width-4)/3,r_bat[a].height); batSplit[3]=new Rectangle(batSplit[2].x+batSplit[2].width,r_bat[a].y,(r_bat[a].width-4)/3,r_bat[a].height); batSplit[4]=new Rectangle(batSplit[3].x+batSplit[3].width,r_bat[a].y,2,r_bat[a].height); //middle 1/3 if (r_ball.intersects(batSplit[2])){ System.out.println("Middle"); } //left 1/3 else if (r_ball.intersects(batSplit[1])){ System.out.println("Left 1/3"); } //right 1/3 else if (r_ball.intersects(batSplit[3])){ System.out.println("Right 1/3"); } //left corner else if (r_ball.intersects(batSplit[0])){ d_x_vec=d_x_vec*(-1); System.out.println("Left corner"); } //right side else if (r_ball.intersects(batSplit[4])){ d_x_vec=d_x_vec*(-1); System.out.println("Right Corner"); } d_y_vec=d_y_vec*(-1); } try {Thread.sleep(5);} catch (Exception e){} repaint(); } while (true); } private void batMotion(){ do { //For both bats for (int a=0;a<r_bat.length;a++){ //Sync computer bat with ball on x axis. if (mouseActive) r_bat[0]=batBrain(r_bat[0]); // r_bat[0].x=p_ball.x-(batWidth/2); else r_bat[a].x=r_ball.x-(batWidth/2); } batCrash(); try {Thread.sleep(100);} catch (Exception e){} } while (true); } private void batCrash(){ //Left & right crash detection for (int a=0;a<r_bat.length;a++){ if (r_bat[a].x<0) r_bat[a].x=0; if (r_bat[a].x+r_bat[a].width>xWidth) r_bat[a].x=xWidth-r_bat[a].width; } } private Rectangle batBrain(Rectangle thisBat){ //If the ball & bat is in the top or bottom half if (((thisBat.y<yHeight/2)&&(r_ball.y<yHeight/2))||(thisBat.y>yHeight/2)&&(r_ball.y>yHeight/2)) if (r_ball.x<thisBat.x){ thisBat.x=thisBat.x-gameDiff; } else { thisBat.x=thisBat.x+gameDiff; } return thisBat; } public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent me){ r_bat[1].x=me.getX()-(batWidth/2); batCrash(); } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent me){ mouseActive=true; } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent me){ mouseActive=false; } public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent me){ mouseActive=true; } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me){ mouseActive=true; } public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent me){ } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent me){ } }