I wrote this utility as in the small business where I work we had no blanket tool for proactive monitoring of services that are supported by our company.

Popup example
A simple utility that scans ports and provides a balloon tooltip notifying the user of ports that are unavailable
Runs upto 64 concurrent threads checking if ports are open.
Displays in a listview that can be sorted by column.
Name and group a service.
Enable and disable particular services from scan.
Auto scan every 15 minutes.
Source code included.
Imports from Remote Desktop Manager rdm files
Minimises to system tray
Records last seen open and last seen closed times.
Doesn’t make coffee for you
Use this at you own risk. I am not responsible for anything that happens from you running this software.
You can modify and use the code however you want.
You can distribute the code in whatever way you want.
This is freeware.
I give this out for free but if you find it useful then please:
Source code in VB.NET included, binaries included, compiles for .NET 3, though can be change to 4.5 if you want.